Hosted by Field Day Brewing Co., 925 Liberty Way, North Liberty, Iowa
8:00am - 9:00am Sensory Panel Workshop
This hands on sensory panel workshop will be hosted by IBG brewing members. Pre-register using the ADD ON feature on Eventbrite. SPACE IS LIMITED!
9:00 - 10:00am - i-BEST Registration Check-In & Welcome Bags
Breakfast buffet & Coffee Available
9:00am: I-BEST Trade Show Opens
10:00am: Welcome to all Attendees!
11:30am - 12:20pm Seminar Session 1
12:30pm: Lunch, Networking & Trade Show
- Lunch and Trade Show are included with registration!
12:45pm: The Vorlauf Hour IBG podcast recording sessions
Interested in being featured on the podcast? Email thevorlaufhour@iowabeer.org
1:30pm - 2:20pm Seminar Session 2
2:45pm - 3:40pm Seminar Session 3
4pm - 4:45pm Seminar Session 4
5:00pm: 2024 Iowa Ambassador of Craft Awards Presentation - Celebrate your Community: the Iowa Ambassador of Craft Award recognizes those who have had a positive, lasting impact on the Iowa brewing industry and community.
Awards will be presented to the 2024 Recipients of the NEW Iowa Ambassador of Craft award
Information and nomination form can be found HERE
5:30 - 7:30pm: i-BEST Social
All attendees, vendors and allied partners welcome to join for this social!
Join us to toast a successful I-BEST and trade notes with your industry peers!
Members are free to bring beer to share in limited amounts!